Online Prices & FAQs
Here is a list of all of our prices and current offers available
Prices & Offers
How will the classes work?
Everyone booking online as usual through our website will receive an email with a link attached. Just click on the link and you will be in that class. Leave yourself plenty of time before your first class if you need to download the Zoom software (you only need to do this only once).
It is as easy as it sounds!
Who will run the classes?
All sessions will be led by your current instructors:
Ladan, Marketa, Katrina and Lienkie.
What equipment will I need?
Every class ideally requires an exercise mat but if you don’t have one available, a large towel can be used instead.
If you have some small equipment such as toning balls, soft ball, pilates circle and resistance band would be great but if you don’t, we can always show you what you can use instead if needed.The only exception is the REFORMER ON THE MAT call which yo need resistance band to mimic the reformer exercises.
How much are the classes?
Online Single group Pilates: £9
Online 5 Classcard £40 ( £8 each)
Online 10 Classcard £70 (£7 each)
Online Private 1-1 £40 per 45 min
*Online AVA-10 membership £60 per month (£6 a session)
* This is a rolling contract with minimum 1 month commitment. To cancel, we need 1 month notice in writing.
NHS Staff can join all ONLINE group classes for FREE, DURING THE LUCK-DOWN PERIOD. You must have a valid NHS ID number. For further details regarding how to book please contact the studio.
“The mind, when housed within a healthful body, possesses a glorious sense of power.”
– Joseph Pilates
“The mind, when housed within a healthful body, possesses a glorious sense of power.”